Featured Specialties

Functional Medicine icon

Functional Medicine

Testosterone Replacement (Men) icon

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

Weight Loss icon

Weight Loss

Traumatic Brain Injury icon

Traumatic Brain Injury Therapy

Peptide Therapy

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement (Women)

Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

Metabolic Repair

Cardiovascular Risk Stratification

Lipid Management

Genomics icon


asymmetric advantage

Asymmetric Health is a functional medicine, direct-pay primary medical practice specializing in hormone and cellular optimization therapies as a primary strategy for health-span maximization.

Our mission is to provide evidence-based, personalized, safe, and effective medical care to men and women seeking a proactive, health-focused approach to maximizing their health-span rather than waiting for the traditional diseases of aging.  

As a boutique medical practice, we place a priority on the doctor-patient relationship. We believe that the only way to truly help people is to know them. We provide in-depth testing, innovative therapeutic recommendations, and personalized medical attention to a diverse community of individuals at different stages in their health journey. Regardless of where you currently are on the journey, we are here to guide you on the path to creating a healthy and vibrant future.

Getting Started...


Asymmetric Health is a membership-based medical practice.  Our easy 5 step onboarding process is designed to get you up and running with a personalized hormone and cellular optimization program specifically structured to align with your goals and improve your health and wellbeing.

Step 1: Complementary Consultation


The first step in onboarding is a free telephone consultation with Dr. Strand. During this consultation you will review your health concerns, goals of seeking care, ask questions you have about the practice, and explore which type of Evaluation Package would best suit your needs. It’s a no-obligation, confidential session designed to empower you with knowledge and guide you towards making informed decisions about your healthcare journey.

evaluation packages

Step 2: Select Evaluation Package

During your free telephone consultation, you will discuss which one of our initial Evaluation Packages would best suit your needs. After your consultation you will receive an email to sign up for the Evaluation Package you discussed with Dr. Strand. Each package includes a corresponding set of diagnostic laboratory studies, Evaluation Exam with Dr. Strand, patient handbook reviewing findings and pricing, and personalized hormone and cellular optimization programming relevant to the type of evaluation completed.

Step 3: Diagnostic lab testing


After you have registered for your Evaluation Package you will receive an email with a lab requisition and instructions on scheduling a blood draw at a Labcorp location close to you. With a network of accessible locations, you can easily schedule your blood tests at a time and place that suits your schedule.

Step 4: Evaluation Exam


Once your labs have resulted, we will reach out to get you scheduled for your Evaluation Exam.  Completing your evaluation exam is a pivotal moment in your wellness journey, as it allows us to finalize a medically appropriate hormone and cellular optimization program corresponding to the type of Evaluation Package selected.

Whether you prefer an in-clinic visit or the convenience of telehealth, we’ve got you covered. With our in-clinic option, you can experience a face-to-face consultation in a comfortable and supportive environment, while our telehealth option provides the flexibility to engage in your evaluation from the comfort of your own home.

Step 5: Sign Up For Membership

Asymmetric Health is a membership-based practice. Your minimum membership tier is determined once your personalized programming is completed during your Evaluation Exam. Membership tier eligibility is determined based off three criteria: the number of primary and secondary therapeutic domains addressed in your programming, the use of controlled substances and/or peptides, and your comorbid medical condition risk profile. The criteria used for membership determination are discussed at length in your Patient Handbook and during your Evaluation Exam.

If you would like to execute the personalized hormone and cellular optimization program outlined in your Evaluation Exam, then you will have the opportunity to sign up for membership with the practice. Our membership tiers are:

Asymmetric Foundation ($100/mo)

Asymmetric Flex ($130/mo)

Asymmetric Flagship ($160/mo)

Asymmetric DPC ($190/mo)

Testosterone Replacement (Men) icon

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

Low testosterone is the underproduction of testosterone in men. Did you know 30% of men over age 40 experience symptoms related to low testosterone levels?

Weight Loss icon

Weight Loss

The journey to weight loss is often a difficult and complex process, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. However, there are several strategies that can help you achieve sustainable weight loss and improve your overall health and well-being. Some medical interventions like GLP-1 Agonists: Semaglutide (Wegovy®, Ozempic®), or Tirzepatide (Mounjaro®) may help.

Our Most Frequently Asked Questions

Do you take insurance?

No. We do not accept insurance. Asymmetric Health is a direct pay, membership based medical practice. This means that you pay Asymmetric Health directly for the services we provide. This model of healthcare delivery allows us to provide high quality, easily accessible hormone replacement therapy at a fraction of the cost of a traditional insurance-based medical practice. For more information see “Why Membership?”.

At Asymmetric Health we also don’t require most of our patients to HAVE insurance. Many of our patient’s find us because they are experiencing symptoms of low testosterone but are uninsured, underinsured, or have high deductible plans that make receiving medically necessary care through a local physician financially impossible.

Why don't you accept patients with Medicare or Medicaid?

At Asymmetric Health, we operate as a fully independent, direct-pay medical practice. This means we are not contracted with any insurance plans, including government programs like Medicare or Medicaid (Apple Health).

Under current federal and state laws, healthcare providers who are not officially “opted out” of Medicare are prohibited from accepting private payment from Medicare beneficiaries for services that are typically covered. This applies even if both the provider and patient agree on the cost and terms of care.

To stay fully compliant with these regulations, we are unable to provide services to individuals enrolled in Medicare or Medicaid, even on a self-pay basis. We understand this can be disappointing, and we’re happy to provide referrals to Medicare-participating or opt-out providers upon request.

Do you offer "All Inclusive" programs?

We do not offer any “All Inclusive” programs.  When discussing any aspect of hormone and cellular optimization, there is no one-size-fits-all approach so there is no-one-size-fits-all price.


As an example, the most popular medications in our weight loss programs are semaglutide and tirzepatide.  However, depending on the dose and the medication that works best for you, there are significant differences in the cost per injection.  The lowest dose of semaglutide only costs $4/shot, but the highest dose is $34/shot.  Since the shots are typically done once per week, the monthly cost of the medication ranges from $16 to $136!


When you sign up for an “All Inclusive” package, the package must account for the highest price of the medication “included” otherwise the business will lose money and not be able to stay open.  But what if you find that a lower dose of semaglutide works well for you, say $7/dose or only $28/month?  In that case, you still pay the FULL price of your “All Inclusive” package so the business makes additional profit since you are well below the $136/mo they have built into their fees!


Another common example is the “All Inclusive” TRT program.  In this case, you still have the same issue of paying an “All Inclusive” price that is higher than necessary if your individual dose of testosterone is lower then the maximum they have calculated in their pricing model.  However, what if you require a higher dose than they have planned for?  We have had many patients transfer into our practice because their medication doses were “capped” rather than appropriately titrated to effect.


“All Inclusive” packages sound good, but they create an inappropriate financial incentive when it comes to patient care.  At Asymmetric Health, we believe your long-term health and medically appropriate patient care come FIRST, without exception.  Our membership tier system is specficially designed to align practice fees to the intensity of a member’s care needs, not the specifics of their programming (labs, medications, imaging, etc.).  This structure prevents inappropriate financial incentive and allows our providers to make whatever appropriate medical recommendations are necessary for your individual needs.

Why Membership?

Asymmetric Health is a direct pay health and wellness medical practice that has completely removed insurance companies from the health care equation.  You may have heard of this healthcare delivery model referred to more commonly as “concierge medicine”.  In this model, patients pay their physicians directly for the medical services provided.  By eliminating insurance companies from the practice of medicine we can provide services outside of the insurer imposed “box”.  For example, a man in his 30s or 40s with “low-normal” testosterone levels and with symptoms of androgen deficiency would very likely benefit from testosterone replacement therapy.  However, in an insurance-based practice not only may this patient struggle to have their medical condition identified and treated by a practitioner who does not specialize is hormone optimization and testosterone replacement, but their medical insurance typically won’t cover the cost of ongoing therapy even if ordered.  To make matters worse, insurance-based practices don’t focus on negotiating rates and working with pharmacies and suppliers that adjust prices for cash pay patients, so the cost of therapy ends up being more expensive as well.

insurance-based practices don’t focus on negotiating rates and working with pharmacies and suppliers that adjust prices for cash pay patients, so the cost of therapy ends up being more expensive as well.

In addition, there is significant waste and inefficiency when dealing with insurance companies.  Coding, billing, and rebilling insurance companies takes extraordinary effort.  There are entire areas of specialization for medical coding alone.  There are third party business entities that exist to deal with billing and rebilling.   On top of that, there are the prior authorization requests, insurance rejections, and appeals that make up the typical daily practice of medicine now days.  Each of these unnecessary layers adds costs.  These costs get transferred to the patients through increased co-pays, medical office fees, and rising insurance premiums not to mention less and less time with your doctor if you can actually get in to see them.

Finally, in insurance-based practices the patient must typically have contact with their provider to generate a charge.  Have you ever wondered why you are required to make an appointment for a simple medication refill?  Why you must be seen to get some paperwork for your job filled out?  What about why you can’t just call or email your doctor a quick question and expect a timely and useful response.  Each of these things take time from the provider that doesn’t get reimbursed by the insurance company, but having you come into the office does.  No one wants to work for free and in an insurance-based practice that usually means less access and more hassle for patients.

At Asymmetric Health, we recognize that the current system is broken and doesn’t meet the needs of our patients.  Free from the cost constraints mandated by third party interference we can deliver high quality care at an affordable price that focuses exclusively on the best interests of our patients.

At Asymmetric Health we recognize that the current system is broken and doesn’t meet the needs of our patients.  Free from the cost constraints mandated by third party interference we can deliver high quality care at an affordable price that focuses exclusively on the best interests of our patients.  We believe that the doctor-patient partnership is the foundation of effective healthcare.  Extended video appointments and access to your provider through text, email, and phone allows us to develop a personalized approach to meeting your hormone optimization needs.  In doing so, we believe we can truly make a positive difference in our patient’s lives.

Can you treat patients outside of Washington state?
No. Currently all of our providers only maintain Washington state medical licenses.
Do you offer telehealth?

Yes. The DEA has temporarily changed the controlled substances prescribing guidelines because of COVID-19. In order to initiate therapy, you do not need an in person visit at the clinic. You must have a real-time, audio-visual telehealth visit in addition to having the symptoms and supporting laboratory values demonstrating the medical need for TRT. Patients can still come to the clinic for evaluation by appointment and we offer in-home visits* for patients in Thurston County, but 100% telehealth TRT is now available.

*In home visits temporarily suspended due to COVID-19


221 Kenyon St NW, Ste 103
Olympia, WA 98502


  • Monday-Friday: 9am – 6pm
  • Saturday: 10am – 3pm
  • Sunday: Closed
  • Federal Holidays: Closed



Ways we can serve you

option 1


In order to initiate therapy, you do not need an in person visit at the clinic.  You must have a real-time, audio-visual telehealth visit

Schedule Today

option 2

In office

For those who prefer, traditional in office visits are also available.

Schedule Today

option 3

In home

While in home appointments are a cornerstone of our business, they are TEMPORARLIY SUSPENDED due to Covid-19.